Monday, August 5, 2013
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Woman Selling Virginity Says She has $3.7 Million Bid
January 14, 2009
SAN DIEGO -- A 22-year old woman is putting her virginity on the auction block to pay for college.
Natalie Dylan, which is not her real name, already has a degree in women's studies.
She told the London Telegraph she hopes to pay for an advanced degree in family and marriage therapy with the proceeds from the auction.
Her top bid now stands at $3.7 million.
Dylan has been holding the widely publicized auction for several months.
She says she got the idea from her sister who paid for her college education by prostituting herself for three weeks, according to the Telegraph.
She also told the Telegraph that she doesn't think she's the only one who will be benefit from the auction.
"I think me and the person I do it with will both profit greatly from the deal," Dylan said.
No word on when or where she plans to close the deal.
The tragic spirit of the West affecting its peoples conciously or unconciously. Virginity is an honour granted by the Maker of all created things to men. It is a dignity which can never be exchanged (from religious perpespective) with anything. Having thought of selling one's own virginity for the sake of money or material gain is such a horrible idea. In many thirld world countries,we may find poor people who have no food, good clothes or even proper shelter but yet they have dignity. They will never trade their virginity to anyone only for the sake of the money. As for the lady who wanted to sell her virginity, ironically, the money which she will get will be used for her studies. The question is ....what is the purpose of education? Is it not to enhance oneself becoming more knowledgeble intellectually? Is the education in material world like USA is only for the sake of perpetuating the survival of man from hunger and thirst only? If that only the is worth nothing..merely a means for you to make money and money will give you satisfaction and the satisfaction will make you happy and the happiness only can come if you have money. It turns infinite regress until you die. And you thought everything will stop when you leave this world! as a matter of much you deny the existence of the next world when you die no one can help you out. You will face or getting rewarded or punished whatever you do before your last breath. In most of the religious virginity is regarded as a big sin. Even in christianity it is wrong. What more in Islam whereby a Muslim women who commit fornification will be punished severely because it against the fundamental teaching of religion. Hoping such a ridiculous ideas will not be followed by anyone.
January 14, 2009
SAN DIEGO -- A 22-year old woman is putting her virginity on the auction block to pay for college.
Natalie Dylan, which is not her real name, already has a degree in women's studies.
She told the London Telegraph she hopes to pay for an advanced degree in family and marriage therapy with the proceeds from the auction.
Her top bid now stands at $3.7 million.
Dylan has been holding the widely publicized auction for several months.
She says she got the idea from her sister who paid for her college education by prostituting herself for three weeks, according to the Telegraph.
She also told the Telegraph that she doesn't think she's the only one who will be benefit from the auction.
"I think me and the person I do it with will both profit greatly from the deal," Dylan said.
No word on when or where she plans to close the deal.
The tragic spirit of the West affecting its peoples conciously or unconciously. Virginity is an honour granted by the Maker of all created things to men. It is a dignity which can never be exchanged (from religious perpespective) with anything. Having thought of selling one's own virginity for the sake of money or material gain is such a horrible idea. In many thirld world countries,we may find poor people who have no food, good clothes or even proper shelter but yet they have dignity. They will never trade their virginity to anyone only for the sake of the money. As for the lady who wanted to sell her virginity, ironically, the money which she will get will be used for her studies. The question is ....what is the purpose of education? Is it not to enhance oneself becoming more knowledgeble intellectually? Is the education in material world like USA is only for the sake of perpetuating the survival of man from hunger and thirst only? If that only the is worth nothing..merely a means for you to make money and money will give you satisfaction and the satisfaction will make you happy and the happiness only can come if you have money. It turns infinite regress until you die. And you thought everything will stop when you leave this world! as a matter of much you deny the existence of the next world when you die no one can help you out. You will face or getting rewarded or punished whatever you do before your last breath. In most of the religious virginity is regarded as a big sin. Even in christianity it is wrong. What more in Islam whereby a Muslim women who commit fornification will be punished severely because it against the fundamental teaching of religion. Hoping such a ridiculous ideas will not be followed by anyone.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
menghukum lebih baik dari mendidik or vice versa?
Dari hujung kampung Surau Kerawang di pekan kecil Pulai Chondong kelantan hingga ke kota metropolitan Kuala Lumpur, rata-rata anggota masyarakat memperkatakan tentang penguatkuasaan Pemakaian tali pinggang keledar di kerusi belakang mulai besok, 1 Januari tahun 2008. Nada-nada yang bersetuju agak kecil dibandingkan dengan ammarah sebahagian besar rakyat yang melihat proses perlaksanaannya yang nampak lebih bersifat menghukum dari mendidik. Kenyataan demi kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh orang-orang besar baik JPJ mahupun JKJR yang tiada lain melainkan amaran dan pensabitan hukuman kepada mereka yang gagal mematuhi arahan tersebut menjengkelkan ramai rakyat. Pada umumnya, seperti penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang lain sebelum ini, kita banyak ditakutkan dengan hukuman denda dan penjara jika gagal mematuhi peraturan yang dibuat. Pendekatan kasar seperti ini bukan di atas dasar untuk mendidik rakyat mematuhi peraturan dan undang-undang secara semula jadi dan lebih mendekati jiwa dan beradab tetapi secara kekerasan dan tidak berhikmah. Acap kali pihak berkuasa bertindak seperti seorang ayah yang garang dan bengis, mahukan anak mengikuti segala bentuk peraturan di rumah dengan rotan dan ugutan. Maka anak yang membesar kosong dari kasih sayang dan hormat secara natural ke atas ayahnya tetapi hanya semata-mata takutkan rotan dan kemarahan sang bapa yang menegakkan undang-undang rumah dengan niat untuk mendisplinkan si anak. Tidak ada salahnya merotan jika segala usaha untuk menyedarkannya dari kesilapan telah dibuat. Namun, jatuhkah taraf pemimpin di mata rakyat jika pendekatan yang lebih berhikmah digunakan terlebih dahulu seperti memujuk serta memberi ganjaran dalam mematuhi peraturan yang diperkenalkan? Tidak kah memberi upah serta pujukan dengan kata-kata manis juga berupa salah satu cara untuk mendidik? Perlu ada ruang dan masa yang secukupnya untuk lebih mengenali sebarang peraturan baru kerana jiwa manusia itu pada asasnya damai dan tenang, tidak tergesa-gesa, keras dan kasar. Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib pernah menulis dan bercakap dalam kuliah-kuliahnya bahawa salah satu masalah yang membawa kepincangan dalam masyarakat ialah bila mana golongan ahli ilmuan asyik memberikan fatwa halal dan haram sahaja tanpa ada penekanan yang lebih kepada aspek-aspek berkaitan keadilan dan adab. Katanya, pemimpin-pemimpin yang pincang adalah golongan yang gagal dalam mengenalpasti sesuatu masalah, tidak tahu mendifinisikannya serta tidak ada kemampuan untuk memisahkan permasalahan dan menjana penyelesaiannya, bahkan mengecilkan masalah tersebut untuk diselesaikan dalam ruang-ruang yang berbaur politik, ekonomi undang-undang.(Prolegomena, 1995, 19). Dalam konteks memperkenalkan peraturan baru kepada rakyat, alangkah baiknya kalau pihak-pihak berkaitan dapat memberi ruang masa secukupnya kepada rakyat membuat persediaan sebelum memberikan kenyataan-kenyataan yang berbau ugutan dan ancaman. Kita sedia maklum bahawa cadangan peraturan ini hanya bermula pada awal tahun 2008. Meskipun Kajian menunjukkan bahawa 90% kenderaan yang berada di jalan raya telah pun dilengkapi tali pinggang keledar belakang namun secara zahirnyapun kita maklum proses untuk ribuan kenderaan yang tidak dilengkapi dengan tali pinggang keledar belakang atau yang rosak dan perlu dipasang semula bukan boleh dibuat sehari, atau seminggu atau sebulan, mungkin mengambil masa berbulan-bulan atau mungkin setahun, pada Kita menyokong langkah kerajaan yang memperuntukkan bagi kenderaan persendirian yang didaftarkan selepas 1 Januari 1995 tetapi belum dilengkapkan dengan tali pinggang keledar tempat duduk belakang, pemilik kenderaan diberi tempoh 3 tahun untuk memasangnya. Kenderaan dibawah kategori ini tidak akan dikenakan tindakan saman sehingga dilengkapkan dengan tali pinggang keledar tempat duduk belakang, tetapi agak pelik jika semua jenis kenderaan persendirian yang didaftarkan sebelum 1 Januari 1995 dikecualikan daripada undang-undang ini. Sepatutnya ruang masa yang sama diberikan kepada pemilik kenderaan ini untuk mereka memasangnya dan bakal memikul bebanan undang-undang sama seperti pemilik yang lain selepas tempoh tersebut. Pada masa yang sama, kerajaan perlu prihatin kepada rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah. Ramai dari kalangan mereka hanya mampu untuk memiliki kenderaan yang kecil seperti perodua kancil, walhal mereka punyai anak-anak yang ramai. Di sini perlu ada mekanisme yang sesuai untuk menangani isu seperti ini. Bayangkan di saat menghadapi keperitan ekonomi seperti sekarang, dengan harga barang-barang keperluan yang tinggi, mereka terpaksa berhadapan karenah undang-undang yang pada fikiran mereka hanya tahu mendenda dan menghukum, maka pasti kekecewaanlah yang menguasai mereka terhadap sistem yang ada, dan ia bakal mengundang permasalahan kepada Negara dan mungkin segala kempen mengajak rakyat mencintai dan menyayangi Negara akan sia-sia dek kerana mendahului hukuman dari pendidikan.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Permulaan langkah 1430 di ambang 2009
Time goes very fast. At the very moment we smell the beauty of the earth that we stepping on it, we are already come to new dimension in our life. Being a servant to the Creator whose heaven and the earth and what lies between belong to Him, we feel so small and we have nothing except what have been given to us. Feeing of loss and regret on whatever we have done triggering our mind ...searching a kind of peace and tranquility amidst of repeating mistake which comes and goes as time goes by. Oh Allah.. please forgive us, protecting us in this new year of hijrah from any irregularities or any unnecessary challenging that we might not able to face it. Please oo Allah, only You who can save us in this world from all type of the fitnat al-dunya, we are begging your blessing and forgiveness. Amin.
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